I am in Oakland, California. At the home of my gracious dear friends Shareef and Claire. I set off from Bellingham, in hurried flight via Hermes, the Magic Music Magic time traveling machine--a harried toil of a journey south due to Hermes' need to go slow and carefully, his body being more sensitive than other road machine creatures. I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is when I paused in Eugene, Oregon, last Monday, I WROTE THE BEST PIECE OF NON-MUSICAL WRITING I HAVE EVER WRIT. I WROTE THE BEST BLOG ENTRY EVER! It was exquisite. I made myself write straight onto the website so that I wouldn't be tempted to take time editing and possibly not-posted a blog entry at all. 'Twas a lightening session of writing for about 22 minutes. I somehow managed to encapsulate all that anyone would ever want in a blog post--it was short and concise, and transcended the sum of it's parts, all at once humerously self-aware, pondering, yet not delusional, frank, yet not jarring, vulnerable and emotive, yet focused and rooted and and and and it was absolutely inspired from a pressure cooker of my state in that present moment--describing my thoughts in effortless simplicity, somehow capturing my unusual awareness in that moment and presenting in the most accessible fashion I have ever managed. Bad news is that when I clicked on the "publish" button, sometime in that 22 minutes of writing, the Whole Foods wifi kicked me off its network, and the genius expression the universe had gifted me was forever lost. I wept for a brief moment at the shocking loss to humanity. Then I numbly dried my tears, as I rose to use the restroom and pack up my stuff, and thought about how useless it is to cry over spilt milk. When I shut the restroom door behind me, I cried again--alas, could it be the technology gods are indeed wary of my Kunkel powers and working against me? must I always lose my words, records, writings when the opportunity to lose them arises? I am sorry for you, my dear fans, and the fans-which-might-have-been-and-never-will-be, for our loss--you will just have to imagine the wonder and greatness of your blog-dreams made virtual flesh. LUCKILY for us all, I am not deterred by momentary misfortune. I will forever mourn that blog post--it was not in my usual style of prose for it born from a very unusual state-of-being, which I am now unable to describe to you--and not even close to how I did then--for it has now left me and us. LUCKILY for us all, I have great faith--yay, verily, great certainty--that the inspirations of the universe are endless, and if I but remain open to the flow which can seize my being, and if I but continue to bend to its needs--to write when the call beckons, to sing when I feel the song! to run when my gut says to fly!--and if I continue to not hesitate! to create without judgment! to act without planning the outcome! to share my thoughts and experiences, in whatever form the universe pours them, without shame nor anything like it! and continue to post blogs without editing! as long as I do these things. . . I know all will be well. . . that I will discover new gifts in multi-various forms and I will continue to learn and grow and relay, from time to time, something which someone somewhere in the world greatly needs. Much has happened between that moment of expression in Eugene and my current moment now, four days later, in Oakland. I will tell you all about it quite soon. But right now, my dear Shareef says a donut shop is beckoning. And I know it is time for me to pause this rambling, to hit "publish" without looking back, and to be present with a wise and ever-evolving being, a friend who has always let me come and go in all my forms into their life as I will and when I have need. xo kk
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Check back in April 2016 for tales from spring music tour of west coast and current musical wanderings there and beyond! talk to you soon--k kunkel xoxo
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