From writing whilst on the train from New Orleans to Tucson, April 4, 2018 Well folks, here I am—doing IT! The great big It, the dream, The Big Idea, the adventure planned and already transforming. I've already been to Alaska to emcee and perform in a vaudeville tour. Stressful group dynamics informed my will to draw stronger personal boundaries in the future—to stand firm in positivity and to hold up high as performer empowerment and happiness and loving attitude equals audience empowerment happiness and love. Sights of magestic mountains from Talkeetna to the shores of Homer taught me how wilderness is essential to the health of my spirit and body. I saw the ocean for the first time in months. I wept and baptized myself. In the woods I heard only the falling of snow and language of birds. An emmense murmur of millions of feather crystals. I saw snow as I've never seen it—millions of full flakes in their unique six point glory. I met wild joyful people—folks who have known weeks of darkness and weeks of midnight sun. Everywhere I went and the troup performed I interviewed the audience “What do you love about Alaska your home?” absence of people; the strong women; the wild men; the mounthains; the wilderness; the snow, the snow the snow; freedom” And I sang their blessings back to them in chosen fashions: funk; metal; punk; regga. . . I ate too much junk food due to feeling stressed out. But I laughed with the most wild glee I have in ages as I sledded down a mountain at midnight. So I think I balanced out in the end. Sweet dances with strangers. New songs with new friends. The old stories retold, in new places, echoing that which is the same in all of us. Also the best bakery I have ever experienced hands down, no small praise: the roadhouse bakery, Talkeetna. I postponed my rendezvous with Killin H8 in NYC to come back to New Orleans to be a part of the Ostara Ball and the Ostara Parade—Ostara being the original Easter Goddess, bringer of the Spring, goddess of fertility, divine feminine, sacred sex, flowers, blossoming, rebirth. I helped with what I could for the ball—tarot themed. And I helped with what I could for the float. The Ostara community is made up of some of the most magically intelligent folks I've befriended anywhere in the world. They live for the moment—in the best kinds of ways—nurturing positivity and peace--and make art for the sake of impermanent experience. The yaccept and embody the spectrum of all human experience. And they raise up Ostara to bring about the ancient will of the earth and her needs, as we feel them—in rites of ecstacy, chaos, sensuality, sex, music, art, expression, mythos made real, channeling and accepting the all that is in the voice of you who. My last two weeks in New Orleans were all the sweeter—made brilliant new friends even in the last days, and seemed to see all of my beloveds once more. New Orleans, I shall return, my ruler, my loki, my goddess, my chaotic mama. I shall learn my own balances in my absence, and learn to weild my powers with more benevelont prowess than ever before. And learn spanish The train has just entered Arizona—two sweet little boys ran up the isle to tell me. Earlier today I talked with my friend Kat from Tucson on the phone and she heard me decided that yes I must go through with hosting a variety show because I believe in the format as a powerful thing—and that even though I think I already know what lessons I'll learn through producing or not producing a show on short notice—that assumption of knowing anything is a false assumption—I shall learn a lot a certain amount of time in the ten days remaining. And I shall do what I can with that time. And I shall be happy and gracious through the process. And I am happy about it. I don't know how graceful I am yet :) I do need to be wary of time management though, it's true. Burgeoned on by my soul-kindred and ever my chamption the great Karla Mi Lugo—check her out here: I by her was urged to put up an update on my Go Fund Me—a critical campaign, the success of which will foresee the success of my dreams, visions, and missions—all critically unfolding--one miracle and opportunity flying in hard upon the heels of the next and the next—crucial steps in my current process of both building a bridge to my next level of being an impactful, self-sufficient, rebel artist—and—as part of that—having the ability to start producing the last two years worth of new music and that which shall continue to speak through me. Please give what you can to my campaign and you shall receive my art and music in due time and my immense gratitude immediately!
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Check back in April 2016 for tales from spring music tour of west coast and current musical wanderings there and beyond! talk to you soon--k kunkel xoxo
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